THE SPERONED PALM It is a widespread farming technique particularly in Tuscany, in the Chianti areas in the hilly area with medium-good fertility. The distance between the screws is 1.2-1.5 m on the row and 2.5-3 m between threading. The SIKA poles, 8-10 m apart, must...
DOUBLE TURNED It is also called the Capuchin system because it was proposed by the Capuchin friars in 1962; It is an emanation of the double Guyot which allows abundant production and, if necessary, also easy mechanization. It has two spurs and two fruit-bearing...
SIMPLE OVERTURN This variant is also suitable for very fertile and hilly soils. The vines are 1.8 to 2 m apart along the row and three to 3.5 m between the rows. The simple inverted It consists of a stem that reaches the height of the second wire, 1.5-1.8 m from the...
DOUBLE GUYOT It is suitable for not very fertile, hilly soils. It differs from the simple Guyot because it has 2 spurs and 2 fruit heads, with 8-10 buds, folded horizontally on the opposite side and tied along the wire. The distance between the vines is 1.6-1.8...